How To Avoid Falling Into Temptation in 2021

Jesus Himself taught us to pray against falling into temptation (Matthew 9:13). This simply tells that the topic of being tempted is an everyday affair that must be seriously guarded against. Falling into temptation is a choice and not an accident or typically the work of the devil like many (wo)men especially Christians will classify it. Dear Reader, the topic of today does not address how to avoid temptations because truth remains that they will come on a daily basis. Rather, together, you and I will rub minds on how to avoid falling into those life-potholes called temptations.

The Difference Between Temptation and Sin

For every temptation we face, there are escape routes to be free from them. There is a clear difference between temptation and sin. Temptations are potential sins. A temptation only becomes sin when we act upon the temptation. As I earlier mentioned, you and I cannot mistakenly fall into temptation. It is either a carefully or a carelessly thought out process…by the sinner. Let’s cut to the chase and call a spade a spade. A person who willingly sins or falls into temptation is called a sinner. And although there’s limitless grace available for every (potential) Child of God, sin is what it is – sin. Please, stay with me.

“Well then, shall we keep on sinning so that God can keep on showing us more and more kindness and forgiveness? Of course not! Should we keep on sinning when we don’t have to?” Romans 6:1-2 The Living Bible

Before we explore psychology of falling into temptation, may I bring to your knowledge that the God of Grace is also the God of judgement. Yes, the blood of Jesus has saved us. Yes, we are forgiven. Nevertheless, God cannot be mocked, as what we sow is what we will reap . If we sow to the flesh, we will reap death. If we sow to our spirit, we will reap eternal life. (Galatian 6:7-8)

The Psychology Behind Falling Into Temptation

God will not lead into temptation. He might lead us through it but He never lead us to fall in it.

“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Matthew 9:13a King James Version

The above scripture was given to us before Jesus Christ died, resurrected, ascended into Heaven and sent us the Holy Spirit, our Helper. “Lead us not into temptation…” That hearty prayer. The reason why many of us fall into temptation is because we like to lead ourselves. We like our independence. How shallow of many Christians. Christianity without the Holy Spirit is a dangerous zone that needs to be totally abhorred by us, Believers. 

It’s needful to know that in the midst of temptation, there is an escape route. Feeling like you are stuck when you are in the face of temptation is a big lie of the devil. (I called him out today!) The enemy is a liar. Just as the devil through this sinful world brings temptations our way, God has also cushioned our journey by providing escape routes. For example, Joseph literally found an escape route (out the door) when Potiphar’s wife tried to force Joseph to sleep with her.

Why are many Christians not using the escape routes available to them? Why do many of us keep falling into temptation 3 times a week & asking God for forgiveness right after? Are there no escape routes available to us? Or are we blind to what God has provided for us? Or do we desire the temptation more than we desire God and His will? What exactly is our challenge?

“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT

3 Practical Ways To Avoid Falling In Temptation

  • Guard your mind and desires: What you desire determines to a high level the fruits you will bear. Where do you let your mind perch and rest? On Godly thoughts or on the world’s? Until you want what God wants, love what God loves and hate what God hates, you will without fail fall into temptations again and again. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23 NIV
  • Stay worded and prayed up: Fam, this is a great need because truth is- you really cannot guard your mind and desires except you stay worded and prayed up. Do you need help to build a better prayer life? Click here. “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41 NLT
  • Beware of your communication: If you don’t want to smell like smoke, you need to stay away from the bonfire. A wise man said it well. Who you follow determines what follows you. Question is – who are you following? Who is in your company? Who you regard as your company determines what accompanies you.Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.” 1st Corinthians 15:33 King James Version

The Ball is in Your Court

As an empowered Child of God who guards their mind and watches their communication, the floor won’t see your backside because you will not fall into temptation. You’ve got God the Father- the One who hears and answers prayers, the Son- the Living Word who helps your feet not to stumble in life’s journey, and the Holy Spirit- our Paraclete, the One whose helps saves us from all fears.

It’s time, my friend. It’s time. It’s time to take 2021 by the balls as you absolutely rely on God as you live ready for Him. Let me part with you with a quote from J.C Ryle of blessed memory.

“A man who is born again is careful of his own soul. He tries not only to avoid sin–but also to avoid everything which may lead to it. He is careful about the company he keeps. He knows that “bad company corrupts good morals” and that evil is more contagious than good, just as disease is more infectious than health. He is careful about the use of his time; his chief desire is to spend it profitably. He desires to live like a soldier in an enemy country–to wear his armor continually and to be prepared for temptation. He is diligent to be a watchful, humble, prayerful man.”

Remain in love with Jesus and prepared to face temptations.

With love and passion,


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