Start Afresh

You can have a fresh start...with God.

God told them, “I’ll never quit loving you and never will. Expect love, love, and more love!” Jeremiah 31:3 [MSG]

Dear Kindred, it’s not too late to have a new beginning. This hour, you can start afresh with God. If you are tired, numb, in need of rest and peace, there’s a call to return. God wants to do something new for you. More importantly, He wants to do it in you. It’s obvious you have a heart. I’m almost certain that’s the reason why you are reading this. Read on. It’s time to start afresh.

Start afresh without looking back

The world, your colleagues, or even your loved ones might see you as a person who will never change his/her old ways. Perhaps you think so of yourself – one who is unstable in character, but not GOD. God knows and sees beyond what others see. He knows the one who needs a fresh start and because He is LOVE, His arms are always open wide to give us new beginnings. Do not look back at your past. It has nothing to offer you compared to what God has in store. Note that God sees us as His children bought with the precious blood of the greatest Sacrifice. In addition, He sees your end from your beginning and He lovingly desires that you work and walk with Him. In other words, He desires a genuine love relationship. With you.

“For this is how much God loved the world- He gave His one and only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in Him will never perish but experience everlasting life.” John 3:16 [TPT]

You are just one prayer away for starting afresh.

Dear friend, Daddy is waiting to welcome you back home. His arms are wide open. Will you draw near to Him today? Will you accept Him today as Lord, Savior, Friend and King? Do you want a fresh start that will cause an exponentially positive impact in your life?

If your words to the above questions were in the affirmative, I rejoice with you. Thank God for your decision. Say the prayer below with joy and faith in your heart.

“Lord Jesus, I come to you today. I accept that I am a sinner. Father, have mercy on me. I believe you died for me on  the cross of Calvary that I may have life everlasting. Today, I receive your forgiveness and I believe you have washed my sins off me. Thank you for your Spirit that now lives in me. Hallelujah! I’m born again!”

Hooray! Are you as excited as I am? You are no longer who you used to be. Certainly, you are now a new creature in Christ. Your victorious days are finally here! Congratulations. Now you’ve made that decision, I’d love to share a life changing Bible App with you. It changed my life. Most assuredly, it’ll transform yours as well.

In conclusion, there’s no conclusion! We just begun! I’d love to meet you. A lot of amazing things are about to start happening. Are you ready?! I can barely wait to hear from you.

With love and passion,


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