Meet The Daughter



My first name is Raluchukwu which means ‘leave everything for God’.


The greatest gift I have ever received is . . . You guessed right. Life!



God’s Word is my treasure well. It never runs dry. And yes! It’s my favorite book of all times.

Basic things to know about this church girl

She's a Church girl.

Yeah, right. I had to repeat that. You'll find Ashley in Church at least 5 times a week. More interesting is the fact that you'll find her hidden in God 24/7/365 and a day more! Did you know she is One plus Women of the God Kind?

she loves writing.

Writing is her passion, her calling. When she loses a pen, you better stay away. She becomes moody Judy. Anyways, thank God for jotting apps like Evernote and Trello.

she values people.

You might see a (wo)man. She sees a lineage. You might see a troublesome child. She sees a generational giant. She chooses what and who she wants to see and relates with them as such, most times.

She's nigerian.

If she described herself as proudly Nigerian, would you cringe? You better not! She has great love for her country and greater love for the Audience of One who orchestrated her nationality and every other thing that concerns her.

she's on a mission.

To lighten as many darkened paths and hearts with written and spoken Words inspired by God, in order to preserve this world from decadence, and challenge us to be better Christians worthy of commendation and emulation.

she hates lies.

And she hates to tell them too. Truth is priceless. It's innocent. Lies imprisons destinies. Truth births liberty. [John 8:32]

never been to a cinema, UNTIL 03/28/19

She finally did it! Haha! Her friends initiated it! Can you guess the movie? As a lover of humor and Tyler Perry, she wouldn't have missed "Madea's Funeral" for anything! You don't know Tyler Perry? No way! Google to the rescue!

...and now that you met me,
what's next, special one?

"Let's get 'lost' in God. Let's know and do His Word, even more! Let's live in love.
Let's be who God has called us to be. Limitless!
Raluchukwu Ashley Ekwedike
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