Is God On Vacation?

Hi Fam! I’m so elated to have you (back) on here. I feel even better writing to you! I mean – it’s been 31 whole days since I last bore my heart to you either via email or this platform. How has life been this entire month? I honestly wish I could hear you literally respond to my question. Nevertheless, I hope it’s been great so far. Mine’s been beautiful, yet unpredictable and adventurous. Regarding today’s blog post, you might be wondering what prompted the question – Is God On Vacation? Honestly, if I was to give you the real gist as to why this question was hot on my heart this week, certain issues would have risen. Remember, Apostle Paul said – all things are lawful for me but not all things are helpful (1 Corinthians 10:23). While I was contemplating on telling you a real life story with the intent of keeping my characters anonymous, the Holy Spirit interrupted my plans. He nudged me to brood on 3 sharp swords (scriptures) and afterwards, direct all my unvented yet refined energy to tackle today’s topic.


Dearly beloved, kindly stay with me till the end of this 5 minute journey.


Before I commence divulging the three 3 swords I was given, let me ask you – Is God On Vacation? Does it seem to you like God hasn’t been listening to your prayers lately? Do you feel like He’s been pretty busy catering to His importanter sons and daughter? Friend, carefully check it. Take your time to check your H.E.A.R.T. (Proverbs 4:23)  Let’s get to the scriptures already. I trust God you’ll have a clearer understanding of all God has in store for us today. God’s Word always makes and gives sense.


Is God On Vacation?

Sword 1 – James 4:8 [Amplified Bible, Classic Edition]

“Come close to God and He will come close to you. [Recognize that you are] sinners, get your soiled hands clean; [realize that you have been disloyal] wavering individuals with divided interests, and purify your hearts [of your spiritual adultery].”

There you have it! I read the above scripture and the words divided interests and spiritual adultery hit home for me. Dear One, God is never on vacation! He is the God who never sleeps nor slumbers, the One whose footstool is the earth and whose throne is Heaven. I could leave this one sword unsheathed and go to sleep, really! A certain wise man said, ‘If God seems far from you, guess who moved? You!” Yes, you! Friend, our Heavenly Father is more eager to fellowship with us than we are, with Him. Nevertheless, because God is trice holy, holiness (which is not an old school word) remains God’s standard. God desires that we come to Him first, for cleansing. Being oblivious to our sins and going to God with the gimme gimme attitude is very shallow. Even the prodigal son knew and applied this truth. You hear things like Father, provide. Lord, release. Jehovah, establish. Did we forget Lord, forgive? We pray so hard and wonder why nothing seems to be happening – and we begin to think God is intentionally turning deaf ears to our prayers. Dear One, more often than not, the (wo)man in the mirror is responsible for your unanswered prayers. Where does your heart lie? Who or what interests you? God? Or the goodies He has to offer? Indeed, God’s Word always discerns the intents of our hearts. If God is not the One who occupies the altar of your heart, other things will. Remember nature abhors vaccuum. Your reverence for God cannot be up there today and shoved under your carpet tomorrow. We need to get rid of spiritual adultery in order for us to enjoy sweet fellowship with God.

God is NOT on Vacation.

There is a solution

Is God On Vacation?

Sword 2 – Isaiah 29:13 (New Living Translation)

“And so the Lord says, “These people say they are mine.
They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
And their worship of me is nothing but man-made rules learned by rote.”



It’s all in our hearts, beloved. It’s all in our hearts. Playing religion pays no one. You can act like you and God are having a swell time, look all pious and still have a very dry spiritual life. People might consider you a topnotch child of God. Still, you and God are aware of your stale condition. I’ve been there. That life is so hard. It’s so hard to pretend for too long.The truth cannot remain hidden forever. If we just talk the talks and not do the works, soonest, everyone will see the results.  Using my mobile device as an example, with how much I use it, it’s needful I charge it at least once everyday. Because there is always power supply, I have absolutely no issue doing that, but there have been days when I did not feel like charging my phone, and I did not. Feelings can be evil. Trust me – dead phone battery + no power bank + no chargers on very busy out-and-about-kinda days are very dreadful. Before the battery drains, texts and calls still manage to come in. When the battery dies, shakara finally ends. The aforementioned example gives us more insight to our relationship with God. God, Our Source remains present and ever able. We, on the other hand, are the ones with shifting shadows. Our actions determines our life’s outcome. If we remain connected to God,  the calls and texts of divine direction and supernatural insight among others come in freely. If we become disconnected from our Source, it might take some time for those around us to notice, but the ones who disconnects from God know, unmistakably.

GOD is NEVER on vacation.

Is God On Vacation?

Sword 3 – Matthew 15:8  [Amplified Bible, Classic Edition]

“These people draw near Me with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts hold off and are far away from Me.”



Sword 2 and Sword 3 are same words from different speakers. Prophet Isaiah spoke and Jesus Christ reiterated the words of the Prophet. You know why? Emphasis had to be made. It had to sink in our  hearts. It still has to. God seeks true worshippers. He doesn’t need all the show. He needs our hearts to be His home. God deserves a befitting home, a sanctified altar, not a desecrated and spiritually perverted abode. The trice Holy God lacks the ability to live in that. Sin shuts Him out.

But Guess what?

There’s good news! You can still have the sweetest of fellowships with God! You can still enjoy the real deal and invigorate your entire life. How, you ask? By accepting the fact that God is never on vacation. By understanding that the condition of your heart determines God’s fellowship with you. By receiving the free gift of salvation, if you haven’t. By working out your salvation with fear and trembling if you have received Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior.

Dear One, I invite you to say the salvation prayer with me to have a fresh start with God. if you have a budding relationship with God, I heartily cheer you on. If you don’t, I humbly ask you to CLICK ON THIS LINK to have a beautiful start with God. Your best days are finally here. Congratulations! You know? I’m so glad I didn’t make the mistake of sharing the real life story I told you about earlier. It would not have been half as edifying as what God directed me to spill on here. My earnest desire for you, beloved, is to see you grow in God, continually, as there is no limit in this our God. The more we know Him and His Word, the more the need arises to know Him even more.

Are you blessed by this post? Extend the blessings. Are you enlightened by it? Someone connected to you might be in need of this God-inspired knowledge, spread it. Is God on vacation? Surely, you know. Absolutely not! You got questions or comments? Please, I earnestly anticipate them. Shoot them in the comments section!

Remain in sweet fellowship with our King till we see Him face to face.


With Selfless Love,

Abba’s Daughter – Your Sister


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