No Need For You To Prove A Point

Through the years, have you ever been in a place where you are determined to get a promotion, make a sale, strike a business deal, purchase a property, buy a piece of shoe, or celebrate your birthday – in order to prove a person wrong? Have you longed so bad to prove a point, then did just that afterwards? They thought you won’t be on the job for that long, they thought you’d fail in that venture, they even talked down on you or walked out of the relationship, and now, you think it’s only needful to show them how wrong they were? Has any of the above ever happened to you or is it just me?

Friend, the “need” to prove a point might be real, but why focus your entire energy to prove a point to one human when you can live life absolutely focused on the Audience of One? Stay with me – I’ll explain.

You remember Joseph in the Bible? I doubt if you – reading this – have been maltreated to the extent with which Joseph was maltreated by his brothers; dropped in a well, destroyed his most precious gift (his coat of many colors), sold him to the Ishmaelites, thereby separating him from his beloved father for over 13 years. Now, that’s the definition of maltreatment. In spite of challenges he faced including going to prison for a sin he did not commit, Joseph did not focus his life on the pain of betrayal. He fixed his gaze on God, his Maker. Through every phase, God remained his number 1. He did not shift grounds for any reason. And because of his fear and love for God, he eventually rose to be the Number 2 citizen of Egypt (the most influential nation at the time). And you know the rest of the story. His betrayers would eventually meet him in glorified state.

My sole intention today is to draw lessons from Joseph’s reaction after reconnecting with his brothers and the rest of his family.

Joseph’s story highlights the proper attitude toward difficulty and misfortune. Upon discovering Joseph’s identity, his brothers were sure he would utilize his imperial powers to exact revenge against them for their evil conduct. However, the sentiments expressed by Joseph were quite the opposite: “But now do not be sad, and let it not trouble you that you sold me here, for it was to preserve life that G‑d sent me before you… You did not send me here, but G‑d.”13

Joseph recognized that all the travails he had undergone were ordained by G‑d to ensure the survival of Egypt and the surrounding countries. Keeping this in mind enabled him to forgive his brothers and repay animosity with benevolence.14



If you and I understand the place of purpose, we will realize how unnecessary it is to prove a point to anyone. If Joseph was head-bent on proving a point to his brothers, he will have never fulfilled his purpose. Because our energy is limited, even though renewable, it is risky to waste our mental strength, emotions, time, and money, on trying to prove a point to anybody. They might have treated you wrongly. They have doubted your potentials. Still, your purpose is higher than their actions. Do not let their actions be the fuel for your purpose. Trust me – you will run out of gas. Such fuel won’t take you so far. And even if it does, the pride of your so-called accomplishment will be very fleeting. Let your purpose be fuelled by God’s Word. News Flash: people have only started doing you wrong. The longer you live on earth, the higher you go in life, the greater number of wrong-doers you will know. Imagine you and I focusing our energy on 10 persons who have done us wrong, how uncomfortable will that be for ours souls? Please, forgive and let go! Not basically for their sakes. When you forgive, you are the first beneficiary of that gift. You free your beautiful mind for unbroken connectivity to God’s Spirit and for greater level of innovation and creativity. 

Please, my dear friend, do allow anyone put sand inside your garri (or cereal). The journey in this life is still long. Forgive people in advance. Even though the hurt of the offence might be hot at the time you are offended, the right attitude towards life will cause your healing to spring forth speedily.

I earnestly hope you don’t waste any more of your resources in a bid to prove any point. Enough points proven. Now, let’s be about our assignments placing our entire focus on the Audience of One, our Dear Heavenly Father, God.

With love and passion,


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