
[ dee-kluht-er ]


to remove mess or clutter from (a place).
to organize and prioritize (one’s commitments, material possessions, etc.)
Declutter your calendar and spend more time with your family

Hey, Sword Bearer! I wish I could tell you I’m super excited to write to you this Tuesday morning. Yours truly would have written to you this past Friday as per usual, but I had a lot of decluttering to do! Okay, so, permit me to give you a brief gist of how it all started. It was last week Tuesday, the 20th, at night, as I was doing my prayer walk (strolling and praying at the same time), I asked God for certain things, one of which includes what to write to you next. Although I had some topics scheduled already, still, deep down, I just felt God had something in particular He wanted me to relay to you. It turns out that He did! As I pray-walked, I heard this word loud and clear – DECLUTTER. Almost instantly, I became so excited, but in less than 2 minutes, all my excitement got deflated when God then said “that word is for you, first”. I straightened up and began to ruminate on the word. The effect of that one word is why I’m on here today. 

I dread to be in an unfit position to write or speak about certain topics. I regard it as telling the truth but living a lie. Hence, the reason for my brief time off this space. Did I make progress with the decluttering? Oh yes! Did I do a complete job? I wish I did! One thing that rings in my mind is, the less mess you make, the less work you have to do. The more mess you make, the huge pile of work will come back to you! You figured? The good thing is – progress is being made.

 Now, let’s talk about you.

Is your life currently crammed with so many activities? Do you barely have time to think? Is your work currently prioritized above your family? Does your home presently look too untidy? Behind closed doors, do you barely spend time with the King of kings? If one or more of your answers to the above questions is yes, it truly means you’ve got some decluttering to do. The magnitude of the decluttering? Buddy, you tell me!

When there’s disorder, mess, or clutter, there’s a tendency for us to be even more disorganized. We’re likely to lose sight of beautiful treasures hidden beneath the mess. We tend to lose focus of the needful. We start to become less and less efficient in some intricate aspects of our lives, if care is not taken.Yes, I know there are some uncontrollable situations and circumstances that occur in one’s life. For example, reactions of expectant married couples without kids vary. Some couples jointly work to see that their faith in God remains firm while they wait, or explore other options. Some couples antagonize each other, while in some marriages, one of the couple gives up even when the other is willing to work. I think it is safe to say that the reactions of the aforementioned couples will affect other aspects of their lives.  Also, imagine an eligible spinster who more-than-anything desires to be called Mrs. Lagbaja. She desperately awaits her Prince. In the midst of all the searching + frantic waiting to be searched out, she loses sight of all the potentials she needs to tap as a single lady. She pauses her life until she finds ‘the one’. She literally lives as a damsel in distress, looking for prince charming to kiss away her loneliness. As sweet as that sounds, it never works that way. If the lady finally gets married to her prince, he might also end up being distressed.

Friend, it is a necessity to declutter some aspects of our lives as the need arises. We need some fresh air! One of the things I did last week was rearrange some areas in our home. Thank God I had some help. And I must let you know, the after effect is sweet! I worked on some of my folders and files, and realized I had plenty trash in my work bag! I’m not where I need to be yet – in regards to organization and prioritizing, nevertheless, I’m currently ballin’. I’m not trying to be perfect in one day. I’m simply seeing to it that I become better than I was yesterday, by God’s Grace. Below is a list of some areas worth decluttering in our lives. Note that this list is not an exhaustive one.

  • Your email/inbox
  • Your gallery
  • Your folders and files
  • Your pantry
  • Your kitchen
  • Your wardrobe
  • Your relationships! (some folks need to be led out of our lives)
  • Your storage facility (you and I know you don’t need some things in there.)
  • Your schedule (some activities aren’t just worth it! Accept this truth and fix it.)

In the process of cleaning out, organizing and prioritizing, you’ll inevitably discover some treasures you posses but could hardly notice in the midst of the clutter. This happens to me every. single. time. I. declutter. May  I let you know? Clutters are sneaky in nature. They will never come dressed like a huge pile of mess. They will be dressed up in a little extra this, a little extra that, broken but manageable, will fix soon, might need someday kinda attire. So it is needful to declutter once in a while. Once in three months or a quarter sounds great to me. Figure out what works best for you and stick to it.

Let’s hear the conclusion of the matter.

“Let all things be done decently and in order.” 1st Corinthians 14:40 [KJV]

Dear One, enjoy the sweetest fresh air as you declutter when the need arises.

With Selfless Love,

Abba’s Daughter – Your Sister

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