In Your Feelings?


Hey Trooper! I’m so glad to have you on here (again). If it’s your first time on here, know this- you’re in for some great treats. Do well to subscribe to my blog for some exclusive benefits. Regarding today’s topic, I need you peruse this article with minimum distraction.

Tell me- how do feel today? What adjective best describes your current feeling? Excited, hungry, angry, happy, sad, tired? Or are your feelings mixed? As I type, mine are a mixture of tired and hopeful. Nevertheless, my predominant feeling is spelled T-I-R-E-D! During the week, precisely on Tuesday, The Holy Spirit whispered somethings to me while I did my chores.

“Do not dwell on your feelings for too long.”

“Your feelings help you to identify with the happenings on earth. They make you relatable here on earth.”

Although I can’t remember exactly how I felt on the day God spoke those words to me, (I really don’t think I was tired, angry or frustrated), I gleaned some insights I need to share with you.

  1. Your feelings might be valid but your those alone should not justify your actions.
  2. Feelings are fickle but principles are lasting.
  3. God understands your ill feelings but He requires your faith to intervene.
  4. Even when you have mixed feelings, do not make decisions based on your predominant feeling except that feeling corroborates life’s principles.
  5. You are not your feeling(s).

The fact that a person makes you angry should not give you reasons to rain insults and put up public fights. Some persons will justify such actions. As God’s representatives, protectors of our peace, and sane human beings, you and I know to do better. A couple paragraphs ago, I told you I was predominantly tired as I typed. I still am. Nevertheless, my feeling (being tired) does not give me enough reason to toss my laptop to the side. If I justify my valid feelings and postpone this post till next week/month, the unfinished work will wait for me till I return. The post will not type itself. The fact that you are feeling too happy today should not give you enough reason to spoil yourself  with that gucci bag with all the funds in your savings account in the name of YOLO and the “I worked for it” mentality. Friend, I cited the 3 examples above to reiterate the fact that feelings are fleeting, but principles are lasting. 

Practicing the principles of self control and self respect has more rewards than uncapping one’s feeling of anger. Heeding to the principles of hard work, perseverance and commitment is seldom comfortable. Nevertheless, the payoffs are huge in the long run. Losing a few hours of sleep once in a while will kill no one. Happiness when not channeled in the right direction can cause sadness later on. (Ask carefree spenders who spend their last box on what isn’t a necessity. Feelings are like gas. They evaporate, eventually. Principles remain, whether we follow them or not.

When it comes to feelings like fear, anxiety, sadness, disappointment etc., a good number of people get so wrapped up in the moment. They let those feelings determine their outlook on life. And the thing about our arch enemy, the devil is- he’s pretty excited to have many run through the maze of such ill feelings. Such emotions help him fulfill his three fold mission faster (See John 10:10). And because the presence of the aforementioned feelings in a man’s life reveal his low level of faith, God will be able to do only so much, as “without faith, it is impossible to please God.” (Hebrews 11:6)

The great news is- you are not your feelings. Feelings fluctuate. On some days, I wake up feeling like I can take on the world, and some other days, I just want to remain in bed and talk to no one. Do you ever feel a similar way? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with us. We are fine. It shows that we are humans who can identify with different energies and happenings on the earth. It only becomes a problem when you classify yourself as your feeling. Let the basis of your classification be God’s Word concerning you. If God said you are made in His image and likeness, quit calling yourself a confused human being. You might not have clarity concerning some subjects that pertain to your life. Still, know this- you are not your feeling. Replace your feelings with knowledge that will result in actions guided by life’s lasting principles.

The reason why I love the Word of God so much is because God’s word never fails or changes. The Bible is a principle-full book. When followed, you can be rest assured of an enviable future according to Jeremiah 29:11. (Check your Bible to see what the verse tells us if you don’t know it.)

Here’s a link to several scriptures that’ll educate and empower you to tame your emotions and act based on principles that will ever remain.

So, before you take actions or refrain from taking actions next time, ask yourself, “am I about to do this just because of how I feel or will I let life’s principles guide my decisions?” Super trooper, I believe in you. I believe you will choose to do what is right over what feels right. I’m cheering you on.

With love and passion,


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