
“The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous runs into it and is safe.” Proverbs 18:10 [NASB]

If you are sick, RUN to your Healer. (Psalms 103:3)

If you can’t pay your bills, RUN to your Provider. (Genesis 22:14)

If you are afraid, RUN to your Hiding Place. (Psalms 32:7)

If you are going through a dark time, RUN to your Everlasting Light. (Isaiah 60:20)

If you are weak, RUN to your Strength. (Psalm 43:2)

If you are stranded, RUN to your Shelter. (Joel 3:16)

If you are lonely, RUN to your Friend. (John 15:15)

If you have lost your valuables, RUN to your Restorer. (Psalms 23:3)

If you are thirsty, RUN to the Living Water. (John 4:10)

If you are hungry, RUN to the Bread of Life. (John 6:35)

If you are in trouble, RUN to your Deliverer. (Psalms 70:5)

If you need to be defended, RUN to your Advocate. (1 John 2:1)

If you are heavy laden, RUN to your Resting Place. (Jeremiah 50:6)

If your heart is troubled, RUN to the Lord of Peace. (2 Thessalonians 3:16)

If you are helpless, RUN to your Helper. (Hebrews 13:6)

If you are hopeless, RUN to the One who is Hope personified. (Psalms 71:5) 

If you are weary, RUN to the God of Comfort. (Romans 15:5)

If the enemy is trying to attack you, RUN to your Shield. (Psalms 144:2)

If you need counsel, RUN to the Wonderful Counselor. (Isaiah 9:6)

If you need to be cared for, RUN to Love. (1 John 4:16)

If you are in solitude, RUN to your Husband. (Isaiah 54:5)

Special One, did you take all the above in before reading this part of the post? Did you soak yourself in it or did you just breeze through? I had to digest all the above before posting it on here. I had to remind myself that I have an ever present God to run to, any day, any time. Our God is never off duty.

I encountered those scriptures as I read the book of the delectable Mama Stormie Omartian –The power of a praying Woman. My life has never remained the same since then. There’s something spectacular about  calling God by His Names. To some He is a Shepherd. To some He is a Confidant. To me, He is my Transformer, to mention just one. Truth is – whoever God is to you determines what He does for You. Question is – when you run away from Him, who will save you?  We thought alike. No one! The enemy has only come to steal (John 10:10). He isn’t interested in saving or giving good things. He actually lacks the capacity to. Only evil is found in him.

I got talking with a sweet Lady I met sometime ago. She was telling me she knows she really needs God and how she’s currently not good with Him. My heart leaped for joy because she recognized one thing – her need for God. And I must let you know she is on that road to an enviable relationship with the Savior of her soul. It’s sad to say, but some people are the exact opposite. They know they are off God’s course but they decide that God mustn’t see them that way. They can’t have a relationship with Him just yet. They have to clean up their mess first. The question is – how? With what? 

People do not understand that even though we are on a physical earth, we are running a spiritual race. We can do nothing right in the energy of the flesh. Except God is our help, we are toast on this earth. Even if we flex on the earth without God, think about eternity.

Dear One, run to God. Not away from Him. He tells us to draw near to Him, and He will draw near to us (James 4:8). Talk about Divinity encountering humanity. GOD IS EVERYTHING! I’m literally screaming for joy in my spirit.

I’ll keep running to Him. I’ll keep thirsting for Him. I’ll keep searching His Word. That’s where I’ll find Him, daily. Today, I know Him as my Transformer because He has transformed me. Tomorrow, when I search the Scriptures and find another priceless gem, He’ll become another Amazing Personality to me. I mean – God is all encompassing!

God is asking me to tell you to say those words to yourself as often as you can. “I understand God by His Word. Not by my feelings. Not by impressions.” Run to His Word. In it lies all that you’ll ever need. Do not be deceived. Do not run to the world. Trust me – The world needs God more than ever before. Your feelings do not justify God’s Word. Men’s impressions and opinions have absolutely no effect on God’s Word. Before we were, God’s Word was. After we leave, His Word will still be. So why run from Him?

If you are running towards Abba, I cheer you on. If you know someone who is running from Him, save them the pain of losing God’s fellowship by praying for them and speaking to them in Love. If we are disciples of Christ, we ought to live like it. And if you have been running from God, there’s good news for you. You can never run too far. God loves you still. Why not quit the exhausting and unfruitful race and run towards Him? Your rest in guaranteed in Him. Click on this link to begin this sweet journey with Daddy.

Beloved, I’m so blessed that I get to share God-based thoughts with you weekly. I’d love for you to subscribe to my blog if you haven’t already. There’s too much God has in store for us. You want to share your thoughts about this post with me? I’m earnestly waiting to see them in the comment section. You love God and want to tell whoever cares to hear to RUN? Share this post with someone else like I just did with you.

I love you deeply.

Keep walking, running and soaring towards, with, and in God until you become like Him. Till I write to you next time.

With Selfless Love,

Abba’s Daughter – Your Sister

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