The ‘Me’ Syndrome

“Just two choices on the shelf, pleasing God or pleasing self.”

 -Ken Collier-

Hi, Special One!

How is it going? The months are flying by, I know! Just like yesterday, it was midyear and now, we are here! A lot of things have been happening this month and one of them as I shared in my last post is – scrutinizing my love walk. Today, I’ll spill my guts about something different, yet related – SELF!

If you’ll quickly scan through the paragraph above, you’ll notice that the number of the single lettered word ‘I’ by far outweighs the number of the yous and wes. Haha! Talk about self consciousness. We, humans are naturally selfish. It’s no surprise at all to hear conversations like “If I don’t look out for me, who will?, “I’ll fend for myself, first.” etc. The unregenerated man is but self seeking. Even born again, spirit filled, tongues talking, demons casting Christians sometimes let their flesh get in the way, holding them back from doing God’s will.

It’s not my job to make you happy. It’s your job to learn that only those who quit selfishly seeking their own happiness find it. – Richelle E. Goodrich

As a Children’s teacher at my place of worship, spiritual food for the kids is a non-negotiable requirement. You know what I mean. Still, snack time is never taken lightly. I remember one of those Sundays – I asked some children to help me pass out snacks just before the close of service. If I remember correctly, two out of the four kids came back to me to get more snacks as they had run out of things to share. Two were comfortably seated with, of course, snacks for themselves. I quietly called them and asked how they shared the items. My two selfless stewards narrated how they kept snacks on their seats just in case they ran out of what to share. In love, I corrected them. Thank God, my wonderful church kids took note of my correction, and since then, they’ve served others first before themselves.

The behavior of the kids I corrected as narrated in the story I just shared is not at all different from what most of us do (almost) on a daily basis. Many are consumed with thoughts of themselves that they lose focus of whether or not any other human exists. The subject of their focus is based on one word – ME. From the moment their feet touches the ground at the break of dawn to the going down of the same, it’s all about me, myself and I. If it benefits you, you’re all in. If there’s nothing in it for you, you are not interested. If it hurts you, regardless of the whoever is involved, they are toast! I honestly pray that that’s not the kind of person you are. Our motto ought to be- God, others and myself. That’s why we are called Christians.

When we focus on ourselves, our world contracts as our problems and preoccupations loom large. But when we focus on others, our world expands. Our own problems drift to the periphery of the mind and so seem smaller, and we increase our capacity for connection – or compassionate action. – Daniel Goleman

Dear Friend, focusing on God and others before ourselves is not an impossibility. The nature of God in us (which is LOVE) enables us to please God and not ourselves. By God, we’ve been made vessels of love. Still, if we do not look beyond our needs, beauty, talents, hurts, abilities, knowledge,etc. we will definitely be limited in ways too many to mention. How often you have people on your heart for good with correspondent actions, without thoughts of personal benefits goes a long way in telling one how selfless or selfish you are. 

Almost every sinful action ever committed can be traced back to a selfish motive. It is a trait we hate in other people but justify in ourselves. –Stephen Kendrick


To be free from the ‘Me’ syndrome, we must yield ourselves daily to God. We must make God the King of our hearts. Until you and I step off the throne of our hearts, SELF will come into play again and again. Have you noticed? In the business world, firms who are only driven by the gains they make are so limited when compared to firms driven first, by creating solutions to preexisting problems?

As we daily live, let’s ask ourselves, “What good shall I do this day for God, others and myself?” As you search your spirit daily, do not forget to ask God for the commensurate Grace to do His will. There are tremendous blessings in selfless living. I testify to it! …and yes! I await to hear your testimonies!

Feel free to share this post on your social media platforms. Also your comments and questions will be highly appreciated and duly responded to.

Live victoriously!

With Selfless Love,

Abba’s Daughter—Your Sister.

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