This blog post is specially dedicated to every Church goer:  Pastors, Ushers, Choristers, Children Ministers, literally every Church Leader and Worker, and of course, the bench warmers, be it the Sunday Sunday attendees or the ones who plainly struggle to go to Church at all. It’s with  uneasiness and a great resolve that I write this. I write with uneasiness because many of us have played church for too long. For some of us, it has become a religious routine we are gradually getting bored with. What really is the purpose of being part of a local Church? Why is it even necessary to regularly attend one if at all it is? A number of persons say, “Online worship is safer. It spares you all the drama”, and I’ve met some individuals who said, “I don’t need to be part of a local Church to be a true worshiper of God.” How true are those statements?  Hmmm…

I know certain people who choose their local Church based on the quality of the praise/worship sessions and Choir ministrations.  Some individuals in the Western world will only attend a Church service if the entire program lasts for 1 hour 30 minutes, at most. If an extra time is added to the service, you can be certain they’d be hunting for a new Church in no time. And oh!, when it comes to the Word, I am one of those who remain faithfully guilty of choosing a local assembly because of the  Word sessions! Because really- it is called Church service for a reason.  We flawed humans need to be serviced by God’s Word as often as possible. Thing is- with all the beautiful praise and worship songs, with all the mind blowing revelations from God’s Word, once we get out of the four walls of the Church Auditorium, do we remain truly transformed?

“But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”

John 4:23-24 NLT


Dear Friend, the problem is not primarily the place of worship, the real issue lies with the ones who offer the worship. Our challenge is not the Church buildings. The real challenge behind contaminated worship is the Church itself; you and I. If five men who worship God in spirit and in truth decide to fellowship with God and themselves in a small room, God and the Host of Heaven will honor their gathering. (Note that fellowship is only an aspect of worship.) So may I ask- what does it mean to worship God in spirit and in truth?

In the book of John Chapter 4, Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman reveals why the worship of many individuals are lopsided. The Samaritans believed Mount Gerazim was the ideal place of worship. The Jews insisted that it was Jerusalem and no other place. But Jesus disrupted those ideologies. He was not in favor of any place or race.  For Him, it didn’t matter if you worshiped on a mountain or in the valley. It didn’t count for much if the worshipers were black or white. What really mattered to Jesus then and now is- that the worshipers know and do God’s Word. That’s the definition of true worship- to know and do God’s Word, publicly and privately. The Samaritans knew so little about the One whom they worshiped. Still, they did so much. Such drive only leads to errors. On the other hand, the Jews knew too much (the foundations and all), yet they did so little. This style of worship was very typical of the Jewish religious leaders whom Jesus Christ often referred to as hypocrites.


Dear Child of God, until we take time to know and do God’s Word, in God’s eyes, we’ll be mere actors and actresses, not worshipers. God’s Word embodies Love as God Himself is love. Unconditional Love. Unfeigned Love towards God and men. And until we live out the knowledge of that truth, you and I will miss the concept of true worship. You can’t claim you are a worshiper of God and be full of yourself (title conscious, greedy of gain, self conceited, proud) and inconsiderate to others. Yes, I got the wake up call too! Worship is way beyond the lifting of holy hands and blasting in numerous tongues. It’s the life style of love. And our claim to truly love is validated by our actions. 

Allow me to ask you a few questions

  •  Has anyone ever offended you at your local place of worship? Did the offence affect your service in God’s house? Did you calmly talk about the issue with your offender or did you vent your anger to people other than the offender? Note that while some offences need to be forgiven whether or not the offender acknowledges it, some other offences are not worth being treated at all. They can simply be overlooked. If you are offended because you were referred to as Mr XYZ, instead of Deacon XYZ, I honestly think you need to get off your high horse before title ties you down in this life. Please, never let the words or actions of any man negatively affect your commitment to Jesus Christ.
  • Have you noticed one or two (or maybe ten) people who do not act quite right at your local Church (they argue too much, they easily take offences, they are disturbingly lousy, constantly ready to point out a fault, etc.,)? Yes, I bet you and I surely know at least one. Painfully, some of us live with one. More disturbing is the fact that some of us are that one. What do we do about those kind of people? Complain about them and get even with them, feed them with the same kind of energy we get from them, or heartily pray for them? Have you ever taken time to pray for such persons and afterwards, heartily engaged in a conversation with them? Fam, I have tried and tested this! Prayer doesn’t just change situations. It also changes people!
  • If you currently do not attend any local church or serve in any capacity at Church, may I ask- is it church drama you are trying to avoid? You don’t want to step on anyone’s toes and you need no one to step on yours? If you do not want to relate with men, if you can’t deal with certain types of characters, how then will your unconditional love for God and His Kingdom be tried and found true? If Church was meant for perfect people only, we’d all be in Heaven conducting non-stop services/masses by now. There is no perfect Church on the earth. All Churches are stewarded by flawed men who rely absolutely on God’s perfect Grace to know and do God’s Word.
  • One more question…or, better put, one more thing; you see that Child of God who is not currently standing firm in God? The one who you see in Church not as often or probably not anymore? The One you heard got pregnant out of wedlock, just got divorced, the one whose faith is currently shaky? It is your duty to see that they are restored back to the faith. (See Galatians 6:1-3 and James 5:19) Surely, you won’t get that done  by your power or might, but by love, by hearty prayers and conversations laced with empathy. Rather than tag them as backsliders, be the Lamp that’ll lighten up their darkened paths. Remember Jesus’s Words, “You are the Light of the world.”

Friend, there’s need to check our hearts from time to time-  to ensure that we remain dedicated to living the life of true worship, the life of limitless love. Just as individuals in the world need to be loved, your neighbor in Church needs love. Let’s not be so concerned about populating the Church that we forget the need to genuinely love the ones that sit right next to us at Church. 

“If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.”

1st John 4:20 AMPC

Today and beyond, give love lavishly. Spread it like confetti. People do not need to deserve your love before you give it. You and I don’t deserve God’s.

With love and passion,


4 thoughts on “Church Matters: Why The Worship of Many Are Contaminated”

  1. This message is ver beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing this with us Beloved Sister. God bless you.

  2. Ashley, this post is for these times. It’s for the now. Worship is not just restricted to the church buildings alone, but these are times when true worshippers shall do so in spirit and truth. Flesh and blood didn’t reveal this to you, God’s grace.

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